At HHUGS we know that comfort can heal almost anything. In times of distress, what matters most is that people are there to listen to you in your hour of need and offer sound advice at your most vulnerable. In order to provide comfort and friendship, we’ve launched a befriending scheme. This involves assigning a key worker to each home. They then act as a point of contact for every family, adopting responsibility for developing a good rapport with the family, visiting, regularly calling and ensuring that their needs are being met.

One of the main services that stems from our pastoral care is the facilitation of professional counselling when required. During each session the counsellors will provide professional therapy in accordance with an Islamic ethos to provide the most comfortable, positive and productive sessions for attendees. These have proven very beneficial, helping to deal with the trauma they have faced, boost positivity, confidence and optimism.

“You have made a big difference I’ve seen it with HHUGS family’s based in Manchester the Eid party, the presents the coffee mornings, helping me with counselling, it’s made me feel as though ‘am not alone’ and it’s really nice meeting other sisters and their families” [Wife of a detainee]