We are taught a grand gesture yields a grand response. But small gestures can also have the same, or greater impact. The reality is, small doesn’t always mean less.

A small gesture, or a few words of kindness can have a profound impact on someone. On Small Charity Big Impact Day, we highlight the impact your giving, support and prayers have, when we come together to uplift, and empower single mothers and fatherless children when they are their lowest.
You may recall Sister Yasmin’s story, as her heartbreaking plight touched the hearts of believers worldwide. A mother of three who was separated from her children when she was arrested at the airport. Whilst she was released without charge, her children were taken into care and she was unable to have a normal relationship with them. In her time of need, her friends abandoned her, leaving her completely isolated and alone.

Five years since Sister Yasmin’s heartfelt video was first released, she reflects on the dire situation she was in, when her life was turned upside down.
“It was in 2016 when I made my initial video for HHUGS relaying my story and the aftermath of the events that took place the year before. It was a truly a testing time for me and I recall the feelings I was going through when doing it.
“I was heart-broken, suffering from PTSD and anxiety and just broken. It was something I thought I would never anticipate in my life. But there I was, sat there having had my world turned upside down and feeling all alone and speaking to you about what had just happened.”
Sister Yasmin’s video went viral; she was touched by the support and kind words she received from her follow brothers and sisters all over the world. At the time when she needed it the most, it meant the world.
“Alhamdulillah the massive support I received from everyone worldwide after you put the video publicly, was so very touching and brought tears to my eyes. I still recall on one of your live fundraising appeals a few years ago, a brother from Saudi called to donate, saying he could not comprehend what I was going through after he watched my story. It was truly touching and throughout until the present time, I still receive the kindness and support from many brothers and sisters.”
She wanted to share some life altering news, and on Small Charity Big Impact Day, we want to share that with all those who made du’a for her, and showered her with kindness and support at her darkest time.
“So it is only right to let you all know, that the du’a so many of you made has been answered: I have finally been reunited with my children again permanently!”
“5 years on and Alhamdulillah through the grace and Mercy of Allāh having got my life together and being reunited with my family! Finally! Such joyous moments came that I fought 5 long hard years for.
“I immediately fell into sujood to Allāh, thanking Him. This was the time that Allah had written for me to answer all my du’a and the du’as of so many others. It was truly a blissful blessed time and continues to be In sha Allah.”

Sister Yasmin fought long and hard for to be reunited with her beloved children. It was a long and exhausting journey but she took comfort in remembering the stories of Yusuf (as) and Musa (as).
“It was during these years of a mother being separated from her children that I constantly remembered the story of Musa (as) being separated as an infant from his beloved mother.
“Likewise, the story of Yusuf (as) bearing years of long separation from his beloved father Yaqub (as). These historical stories are there to remind us and to teach us that in this life you will bear pain and suffering of separation from your loved ones, and when you practice patience the ajr (reward) is awaiting for you in the Hereafter.
“Allah reminds of this again and again in the Qur’an saying the Believers will be tested with their wealth, health and families, but remain patient. It’s not the trial that’s difficult, it’s having the patience.”
Sister Yasmin wholeheartedly placed her faith in Allah, comforted with the knowledge that she would be not burdened more than she could bear. Her love for her children, and the longing to reunite with them drove her to stay focused, and determined to overcome the situation she was in.
“One thing I refused to do was back down, give up and walk away. I was determined to take back what was taken from me, no matter how long it took.
“During these 5 years I was raided again, I had my money taken, my bank accounts shut down, being harassed by MI5 agents and it was all for nothing, because I was never prosecuted or charged with any crime!”
Looking back at the time where she isolated, broken, and longing to hold her children once again, Sister Yasmin ponders as to how persevered and got through such an ordeal.
“I sit here especially in the last few weeks and ask myself “how did I do it? How did I get through these past 5 years?” And I know the answer was that Allah never left me, He never abandoned me.
“Allah will never abandon His believers so long as you place your full trust in Him and when the right time comes as only Allah Knows, He will lift away your burdens and trials and replace them with beautiful comfort and ease!”
Sister Yasmin’s reality is very different to that of a few years ago. At times, when she thought her plight would never end, that being able to hold her children once again seemed like a dream too distant, she was reminded that we as mankind are unaware of what the future holds, of how our lives can change dramatically overnight.
“Alhamdulillah, I’m now able to support my children as a single mother and stand independent. I work and have the means to pay my bills, rent and food.”
However, this wasn’t always the case. Sister Yasmin when losing her children, lost her home and money. She had nowhere to turn to, and HHUGS stepped in.

“5 years ago after losing my family, my home, my money, I wasn’t able to and HHUGS continued to provide the support and means for me to be able to continue living and support myself. It really makes you question how such atrocious events can have a negative effect in your life where you’re basically stripped off your rights and freedom and merely surviving on the basics!”
Sister Yasmin reached her lowest, when she sobbed in the darkness, supplicating to her Lord to be reunited with them. She had no one to turn to, no one to offer her support, or a means of survival.
A small charity like HHUGS was the lifeline she clung onto. Your support enabled us to have a BIG impact on her life.
“HHUGS were and continue to be a truly blessing in my life with the enormous support they provided me whether it was financially or emotionally. They did not abandon me either and made sure I was looked after and seen to.
“Phone calls from the volunteer sisters checking up on me and especially during this last year of the pandemic. When many were quarantining with their families, I was alone physically, but I didn’t feel alone Alhamdulillah.
“They provided gifts on Eid and invited me to events. HHUGS are my super heroes, and not all super heroes wear capes. They showed kindness and listened and supported me without judgement.
“When I lost everything, my children, my home, my finances, they were there hand reached out to support me and to make sure I don’t fall down, where you don’t have the motivation and strength to get back up!

Do not underestimate the impact your donation, or support has on HHUGS families. The amount you gift, the message you forward, or the social media post you like, all is part and parcel of the work we do. We wouldn’t be able to support sisters like Yasmin, without your support and du’a.
A small charity like HHUGS, with its unique work, depends on the support of those gestures of others, be it mighty, or small.
“SubhanAllah, I’ve never met an organisation that truly supported for the oppressed Muslims in the UK like HHUGS. May Allāh continue to aid you all at HHUGS in all your efforts to support the beneficiaries, Allahumma Ameen.”
Some final words from our Sister Yasmin to all those unsung heroes who have supported her behind the scenes and facilitated the monthly financial and emotional support that she received for many years.
“I honestly don’t know what I would have done without all your support! At that point in my life I’d never had heard of HHUGS, so it was a big shock to me when the staff reached out to me, and from then on, I have recommended so many others to support HHUGS financially through the charity funds.
“This is one charity I will continually support to the end of my life, and pray Allah rewards you all immensely in the aakhirah, ameen.
“JazakAllah khayran wa ahsanal jazaa, you will all remain in my du’a.”