Ingleton Waterfall Trek

We invited you to get lost with us this Winter, and you did. You scoured the beautiful countryside with us, and experienced the beauty of six magnificent waterfalls. Winter often doesn’t feel like the perfect time to explore, but it really is. The crisp Winter air brings it with something magical, a time where you can explore a beautiful landscape intimately. During the colder months, the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world quietens, and you are at one with nature.
“Alhamdulillah, it was a beautiful place that was on my to do list anyway and I was happy to be able to experience it for a great cause. Everything was organised so well that words cannot exclaim.”
Pictures often don’t a place justice, and such was the case with Ingleton. Cascading waterfalls are just not the kind of beauty you can capture within a still image. The 20 sisters who joined the trek were lucky enough to marvel at such beauty within close proximity. They trekked, immersing themselves in the beautiful Creation of Allah, and were able to raise a whopping £11,768 for charity.
“The trek was all I expected and much more. The many waterfalls were beautiful as I expected that they would be. The walk was good for me, and I was very relaxed as it was one of the less strenuous ones, I have done this summer. I managed to talk to and get to know lots of lovely ladies as well as walk with my sister-in-law and relative. The most memorable moment for me was clambering behind one of the big waterfalls with another daring sister called Salma. Something I will never forget.”
Choosing the right location is pinnacle for a successful trek. When trekking for a fair few miles, having scenery which keeps you motivated, and inspired is a great tool. We are proud to say our hard work paid off, as 100% of our participants were pleased with location of the Ingleton Trek.
“I did not think twice about doing the trek as soon as I heard about it. I signed up on the day that I heard about it. There were two family members of mine, my sister-in-law and another relative, who were aware of the events I had done previously and how much I had enjoyed them and how fulfilling I had found them. They soon followed and signed up for the Sisters Trek too. Ingleton had always been on my to-do list in lockdown, but I had never got around to going. I was thrilled that I was going and for a great cause.”
We chose to do a trek specifically for sisters, as we believe it provides them with a space where they can detach, unwind and connect. We live such hectic lives, and being able to spend a few hours in nature, surrounded by likeminded sisters for great cause helps boost morale and keeps you active during Winter.
“The sisterhood, trek choice and experience, the minibus there, the delicious lunch and water provided, the trek pace. MashaAllah it was excellent masha’Allah Allahumma baarik alayk.
“I felt so blessed to be there on that day, walking and talking with such lovely like-minded sisters, some of which I knew before, and many I did not. I loved hearing about the other things people had done previously and also enjoyed telling the sisters about my bucket list Insha-Allah. We enjoyed stopping to take in the beauty, the noise, and the scenery whenever we could.”
Although fundraising can be daunting, we are often surprised as to how quickly we can reach and exceed our target. The thrill as each donation comes in, as you are aware that with each penny and pound the lives of HHUGS households will be changed.
“I managed to exceed my target within a matter of days and therefore increased it immediately. I kept going each time I got more and got close for between £700-800 in the days before the trek. On the last night before the trek, I sent out another broadcast message.
“Someone donated approximately £250 to get me to my personal target of £1000. This was so overwhelming to see and had me nearly in tears. The generosity of my family and friends was heart-warming and my heard poured with du’as for Allah to reward them. Many of the donations were made anonymously and so I prayed for them all. Eventually I managed to exceed the target by getting close to £1,300. This was such a lovely feeling knowing what this amount could do for the HHUGS families.”
The sense of accomplishment as you walk the final steps of a trek is a feeling which is indescribable; knowing that because of you single mothers and fatherless children are able to survive Winter. However, one trekker put it beautifully, how the feeling of accomplishment does not end there; it remains as you share your adventurous stories with your loved ones; inspiring them!

“..I take many, many pictures on any events, hikes and treks that I do. This is a massive source of motivation for, and I later share these with my family and friends who really enjoy looking at them. Sometimes I reflect on often after the event. I sit at home later and enjoy looking at these when having a moment to myself, a quiet cup of tea or even a catch up with a friend. They remind me of how I felt at the time and the reason I did it in the first place. This is then often the source of inspiration for me to sign up to the next one.”
Although the Ingleton trek has passed, that doesn’t mean you have missed out. Now in ninth year, the annual HHUGS Winter Walk is back, and once again, in person! 2022 sees us coming to the renowned beauty spot Dove Stone Reservoir, in the Peak District National Park. Embrace the cold – so they won’t have to!
You can also join our Virtual Winter Walk, and be in control of where you walk, when you walk and for how long. You might fancy visiting Ingleton with your loved ones, and complete your challenge there, or you might enjoy strolling in your local park. Either way, we would like you get involved this Winter. You can’t miss out on the crisp air, the nature that surrounds us and the thrill you get when completing your walk.

“…I have much joy in being a daughter, wife, mum, daughter in law, sister-in-law, cousin, friend, and colleague, amongst much more. Each of these roles are fulfilling in their own way. However, taking the time to do events like this is for me; ME. For my connection with myself, for my connection with Allah SWT, for me to do my bit for the ummah and vulnerable people where and when I can. It is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world, Alhamdulillah. Looking forward to the next one now Insha-Allah!”
If that isn’t enough to inspire you then know that every step you take will help HHUGS families this Winter. Single mothers, elders and the young within these households who simply don’t have enough to survive the Winter cold.
Don’t let them face a Winter without you.