Dove Stone Reservoir Winter Walk
Storm Eunice arrived, causing chaos for 3 days, leaving us, showered with heavy snow on the day of the Dove Stone Winter Walk. Forced to cancel for the well-being of our participants, we rescheduled the walk for the 5th of March, however this didn’t dishearten our walkers. 25 people down, we were still joined by 53 brave individuals, who completed the walk and raised a total of £12,435!

Stunning scenery, and luscious green landscape welcomed the walkers as they stepped out to help change the lives of HHUGS families. The rescheduled date proved beneficial for some, as they were now able to join. Sister Rozina was able to attend the Dove Stone walk due to the new date, and raised a whopping £1665!
“I was taking part in another charity walk for Gaza with my 3 children the weekend before. When this walk was postponed due to the storms and the bad weather, it was scheduled for a weekend which was much more doable for me and Mariyam.”
Rozina was first introduced to HHUGS over ten years ago, and was drawn in after hearing about the struggles endured by HHUGS families.
“I first heard about HHUGS at a women’s event in Dewsbury approximately 10 years ago. There were inspirational speakers and stalls at the event that I was asked to come to by a friend. As I heard the speakers tell the audience about the ordeals that these families go through, I could not believe my ears.”
Rozina was motivated to sign up after taking part in the previous HHUGS Ingleton Waterfall Trek in 2021. Like many others, Rozina found a new passion for the outdoors, and keeping active in lockdown. She, alongside, her husband and children enjoy being in nature, and walking through stunning landscapes. When Rozina became aware of the Dove Stone walk, she didn’t need to be asked twice, she signed up and began fundraising!
“My husband is actually the one who got me into the proper hiking- trekking during Covid lockdowns. It has since become a passion, alongside the charity fundraising, and putting two things that I love together is an ideal way for me to spend my time now. At the beginning, I needed inspiration, but now I have lost count on how many walks of this kind I have done alone, with my husband and my kids, that I do not even think twice when I sign up.”

Alongside walking in nature, fundraising is also a huge passion of Rozina. She likes to get stuck in, and raise funds for those are in need of support. Her family and friends are her biggest supporters and assist her in fundraising. She reminds us of the generosity of the Ummah, and the reminder of the benefits of Sadaqah.
“I did what I always do and put it out on my Whatsapp status, broadcast messages to all my contacts. As each and every time, this time was the same. The wonderful generosity of the people I know, and, in turn the people they know meant that in a short space of time I was able to reach a staggering £1,665. The support from family and friends was great, and my sisters and friends were happy to share my fundraising link of their social media platforms and with their contacts to raise extra awareness too. I encourage my close family and friends regularly to give Sadaqah for themselves and their families and constantly re-iterate the benefits and virtues of doing so.”
Rozina talks about the importance of helping families right here in the UK, and the motivation she has to fundraise for HHUGS.
“I do not confine myself to a particular cause, country, charity but like to work with any causes that I think need help. This is a very needy cause and not people have heard about the great work that HHUGS do. I see doing these walks, fundraising, sharing the post as a talking point to a bigger picture and making people realise that this goes on right here in the UK and the impact it has on families.”
On the morning of the walk, Rozina was excited yet apprehensive. She was concerned about talking her little one but then was reassured when she saw how excited she was.
“I was excited on the morning of the walk although a little apprehensive. I knew it was going to be a cold day and was wondering whether having Mariyam with me was the right thing to do. However, the more I thought about it, the more I prayed to Allah SWT to give her strength in her little legs. Her little beaming face when she woke up asking if the walk was today made me sure she was going to just fine.”
The walk was a special for Mariyam, as she had a memorable moment when her tooth fell out. It had been wobbling for over a week, and was on the brink of coming out.
“During the walk, the girls were great so we had some little chocolates and sweets as treats to give as they walked to keep them going. Just before lunch, Mariyam asked for a sweet and low and behold her tooth came out into her hand. She held it out and shouted, “Mummy what is that?” as we both laughed that it had finally come out. She rinsed out her mouth and ran around telling all the other people we were walking with her exciting news. Everyone was happy for her and proud that she was not upset. She was happy that it came out before lunch so that she could eat her lunch properly, as, by that time, she was starving.”

Being able to be in nature, making memories and fundraising, all to help others, was truly a great experience for Rozina. She was able to take part in an activity she enjoys with her loved ones, and change the lives of others at the same time. She also highlighted the impact it has on the young, and their drive to help those who are in need.
‘…I kept thinking about the girls and how they were absolutely amazing. May Allah SWT reward their souls for using their little legs for such a cause. There was definitely a sense of achievement. I hope doing these walks and fundraising for charity, helping the poor and needy, and giving regular charity is something I can embed into my children from an early age and that they do it without thinking about it as they become adults… Insha-Allah.”

With Winter now departed, we welcome warmth and longer days. Ramadhan is upon us in a few days’ time. A time where our hearts are nourished, purified and cleansed. A time where we reap the opportunity to maximize our rewards, and help others. It is a time where the Ummah is generous in its giving, and many dig deep to help worthy causes.
As Rozina says, ‘There are people out there, able, willing, happy to give, but sometimes, they just need a gentle reminder. I am happy to be that reminder – Alhamdulillah.’
This Ramadhan, you can be that reminder, to be the vessel in which people support others, and for each penny and pound that is given you will be rewarded.
Join our Race 2 Jannah Campaign, and raise funds for HHUGS families right here in the UK. Choose to either raise £1,000 or £100 each – or another target of your choosing. It’s as simple as that! You may find it difficult to do a walk, or an activity during Ramadhan, that’s why we’ve made it easier for you. No hard slog, no need to work up a sweat, no need to relax your social distancing, there really isn’t a reason to miss out!
“Whoever draws near to Allah during this month by doing some good deeds is like one who does an obligatory action at any other time, and the one who does an obligatory action during this month is like one who does seventy obligatory actions at any other times.” (Ibn Khuzaymah)
With 70 good deeds going for the price of 1, there’s no way you’re getting left behind, right? Well, you better make sure of it. In this month, if you snooze, you lose!
We’ve got something for the children also, we are throwing the competition open for the next generation to fundraise as Child Champions too! We believe children can change the world and we definitely believe in YOU to give another child something to truly smile about!
Your child can raise money by setting yourself a physical or personal challenge. You can take a walk in a scenic park, or memorise a new Surah, learn the 99 Names of Allah or perfect your daily du’as. You can get active by doing a sponsored run, sports match or craft project. The only limit is your imagination! Before the blessed month of Ramadhan begins, sign up to our Race 2 Jannah challenge, and make the most of the blessings that are besto