A Farewell to Winter 2021
We saw the worst storm in decades, an introduction to a new variant, and an icy realisation of new energy rates. The events of Winter 2021 were unexpected to say the least. Among the violent winds and the shortage of lateral flow tests, one thing remained constant. One thing we were sure of, where our certainty didn’t waver in doubt; was the generosity of the Ummah.
When we are fearful of a storm that is approaching, or of a new variant that could impact our loved ones, we do our very best to make sure they are safe, secure and healthy. We heed government guidance, and prepare accordingly. However, unfortunately for many families even during dire circumstances, they are left alone. As the temperatures dropped outside, they prayed for strength and support through the storm, and to make it out of the cold season. As they called out to Allah, you were sent as a stranger to gain the rewards of supporting these families.
“After all, I have gone through, HHUGS’ support really helped me in so many ways. Without it, Allah knows what it would be my situation. Jazaakum Allahu khairan.”
As part of our Winter campaign, thanks to your generous support, we raised a total of £95,485!
Because of your generous donations, your fundraising and your commitment, HHUGS families got through the Winter chill. HHUGS distributed £170,488.17 and provided Winter campaign support to 59 families, 125 adults and 108 children.
- £8640 to clothe 108 children
- £5675 to clothe 67 adults
- £1748 for 108 duvets
- £1011.75 on 24 heaters
- £19,967.71 on winter fuel
- £43,495 on rent to shelter families for Winter
- £76290 on food to feed 70 families for the Winter months
- £13661.32 to relieve debts
Even more so as temperatures dropped, single mothers could keep their children warm because of your assistance. You provided them with heaters and duvets to help combat the cold.
“Without HHUGS, this winter would have been difficult to get through. It was colder than we usually experience at this time of year so the heating was more expensive than is the norm.”
When families were asked on a scale of 1-10 (1= not at all, and 10=helped a lot) to what extent did heaters or duvets provided by HHUGS helped your family, 90% of families said 9 and above.

The conditions that HHUGS families live in during Winter are often difficult to comprehend. Rising damp, cold air filling children’s bedrooms and duvets too thin and worn to keep bodies warm. Without HHUGS Winter support, many families would find it impossible to survive, with rising energy bills, trying to keep the house warm is a struggle.
“It is helping me a lot especially as my house is an old basement flat, full of damp all year round and so hard and stressful for me to keep the boiler on to make the house warm because it makes me get a big bill of gas and electricity. But after HHUGS started helping me with the winter support, me and my family started enjoying the warm house without any worries alhamdulillah and thank you so much HHUGS from me and my family.”
The support you have given to HHUGS families has been truly life changing. You have been a beacon of light in the darkness, and a reminder to struggling families that they are not alone.
“HHUGS for me is like water for the fish, I really can NOT survive without their help and support, Jazakah Allah khiren”
With rising fuel costs, and the need to clothe and feed their children, single mothers can be forced to take out loans to cover essential costs. This leads them to be trapped in a never-ending cycle of increasing debt. However, with the support HHUGS during Winter, families are assisted with energy bills, food and clothing vouchers and debt relief, helping to lift the burden of these families.

When families were asked to ‘what extent has winter support provided by HHUGS helped you to stay out of debt? (1= not at all, and 10= helped a lot), 100% said seven and above. You helped break the cycle, and relieved the financial stress of vulnerable families.
“Alhamdulillāh the benefits are numerous to mention but for me and my family, HHUGS has been a pillar of support, without which we would have endured many hardships. Allah bless the donors and the entire team for all their continued support and hard work.”
“I survive and I am here thanks to HHUGS”
The work of HHUGS is unique, and with your support this Winter families were able to settle into their homes, warm, and safe. Even as Winter was a difficult time to get through, you still dug deep and helped families who need your help.