Seeking inspiration from the Prophets (as)

We all have our own struggles; they may differ in severity and context, but we are reminded our time here on this earth is a test. Even the Prophets were tested, including the greatest of mankind – the Prophet (saw). The Prophets were sent to spread the message, and call people to the Oneness of God. However, their journey of prophet-hood was never an easy path. They were those most tested by Allah, and taunted by their very own people.
When you are going through a hard time, it can weigh heavy on you. It may feel like you are the only the person in the world who is overwhelmed or struggling with something, when in reality people everywhere are experiencing similar trials. World Mental Health Day raises awareness to mental health and its existence within our communities, and its impact on our lives.
For World Mental Health 2022, we are going to delve deeper into the lives of Prophet Ayub, Yunus, and Yaqub (as); the struggles they faced, and how they persevered, despite the great tests they endured.
Ayub (as)
Ayub (as) was blessed by Allah with health, wealth, and a family. He had fourteen children and was respected within his local community. Despite his wealth, and status, he remained humble, grateful and always helped others. The Prophet Ayub (as) was tested with all three of these blessings, yet he remained steadfast.
The roof of Prophet Ayub’s house fell, killing members of his family, yet he (as) remained patient, and his faith in Allah did not waver. He was then tested with his health, as he developed a skin disease which resulted in him having sores on his face, hands and body. Because of the nature of his disease, many people around him deserted him, and ridiculed him for how he looked. All left but his faithful wife, who remained by his side throughout his ordeal. Even through this terrible time, he remained faithful in his belief, and grateful to Allah for all the blessings he had bestowed in.
“And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.” (Qur’an, 2:155)
When we ourselves or our loved ones are tested with our health it can be difficult to see the wisdom in it. We can become despondent, and struggle to see if, and when, things will improve. However, Prophet Ayub’s belief in Allah’s mercy remained firm. When his condition worsened, he did not grow frustrated, rather he called out to Him for his mercy. He said: “Truly adversity has afflicted me and You are Most Merciful of all who show mercy.” (Qur’an 21: 83)
Allah, in all His Mercy, accepted Prophet Ayub’s prayer. “Then We heard his prayer and removed that adversity from which he suffered, and We gave him his household and the like thereof along with them, a mercy from Our store and remembrance for the worshippers.” (Qur’an 21: 84)
Allah responded to Prophet Ayub’s call for help. He was instructed to strike the earth with his foot, and water from the spring gushed forward. Ayub (as) bathed in it and he was cured from his disease.
Prophet Ayub’s story is a testament that Allah does not burden a soul more than he can bear. Ayub (as) remained steadfast and Allah removed his burden and alleviated his hardship. Even when everyone left him, he knew Allah was near, that his supplications were heard and after hardship surely comes ease.
Yunus (as)
Yunus (as) was sent to the people of Ninevah to spread the oneness of Allah. However, they did not respond to his calling which disheartened Yunus (as). He left his city behind and boarded a ship to get away. Once he was at sea, a storm hit and the sailors, whom Yunus (as) travelled with, grew fearful. They believed that to calm the storm they needed to throw a man overboard. They drew lots and Yunus (as) was selected for this misfortune.
”And indeed, Yunus was among the messengers. [Mention] when he ran away to the laden ship. And he drew lots and was among the losers. Then the fish swallowed him, while he was blameworthy.” (Quran 37:139-142)
Once he was thrown overboard, Allah sent a whale to swallow Yunus (as) whole. Imagine being in that situation, stuck in the belly of a whale, in the darkness surrounded by sea, terrified, not knowing what is going to happen next. Even Prophets such as Yunus experienced doubts, but in that moment, he was reminded of the might of Allah.

He called out. ‘La ilaha illa Anta, You are glorified! Truly, I have been of the wrongdoers.’
The Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever offers supplication in the words of the supplication of Yunus, will be answered.” (Tirmidhi)
The story of the whale, and Prophet Yunus (as) is one of trial, hardship and forgiveness. Yunus (as) felt the wrath of Allah’s punishment, however, when he was stuck in the belly of whale, he did not feel despondent. In our daily lives, we face difficulty, however we should always remember that Allah’s help is within our reach. We should remember never to despair of His Mercy.
Even in your darkest hours, when there seems to be no way out, if Allah so wills, there will always be a way, a means of relief.
Yaqub and Yusuf (as)
The story of father and son, Yaqub and Yusuf (as), is a beautiful one. It embodies the feelings of grief and loss, the bond of father and son, hardship and patience. The Prophet Yaqub (as) had 12 sons, including Yusuf (as), who was his most beloved child.
The Prophet Yusuf (as) had a dream which he ran to tell his father about. However, his father told him not to tell his brothers. Yusuf’s step-brothers were jealous of how much their father loved Yusuf (as), and they planned to kill him. They asked their father, if they could take Yusuf (as) out to play and he agreed. When they were alone with him, they threw him into well, but returned to their father with a blood-stained shirt, claiming that a wolf had attacked him. Prophet Yaqub (as) knew that his son Yusuf was still alive, but he pretended to believe them.
“I can only endure with˺ beautiful patience! It is Allah’s help that I seek to bear your claims.” (Qur’an, 12:18)
Yusuf (as) was rescued and sold into slavery in Egypt. He was placed in a household with an influential man and his wife. Yusuf (as) was blessed with good judgement, and wisdom. By the will of Allah, he was also able to interpret dreams. The lady of the house, Zulaikha become infatuated with Yusuf once he got older, and tried to seduce him, however Yusuf (as) refused her and sought refuge in Allah. She chased after Yusuf (as) and tore his shirt, and when she tried to accuse him, the evidence was clear as the shirt was torn from the back and not the front. She threatened Yusuf (as) with jail, yet he said he would rather be imprisoned, safe from her advances.
Yusuf (as) continued to interpret dreams in jail, and became renowned for doing so, to the extent that the King came to know of his ability. Yusuf was brought before the king, and, being able to interpret his dream where none before him had been able, he was offered a high-ranking position after proving his innocence. Yusuf (as) asked to be put in charge of the storehouses instead.
Yusuf’s brothers came to where he worked but they did not recognise him, although Yusuf (as) did immediately. His brothers wanted their portion of the grain but Yusuf (as) refused to give it to them, unless they brought back with them, their younger brother, Benyamin. They agreed and went back to their father Yaqub (as) and asked to take Benyamin with them. Yaqub was fearful, after what happened to Yusuf, (as) but they promised to keep him safe.
When they arrived, Yusuf (as) wanted to keep his brother Benyamin with him, so he put a drinking cup in Benyamin’s bag. When he was caught with the cup in his bag, he was detained, much to their brother’s despair. When they returned home, they had to break the news to their elderly father Yaqub (as), that Benyamin had stolen and therefore was detained, but he did not believe them. Despite his immense grief, turning blind from the extent of his crying, he did not lose hope in the Mercy of Allah:
“He replied, “I complain of my anguish and sorrow only to Allah, and I know from Allah what you do not know… And do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah, for no one loses hope in Allah’s mercy except those with no faith.” (Qur’an, 12:86-87)
He told them to go back to Yusuf (as) and ask for mercy, and so the brothers did so. Yusuf (as) revealed his true identity and asked them if they had realised what they had done, and they acknowledged their actions and repented.
“Surely whoever is mindful ˹of Allah˺ and patient, then certainly Allah never discounts the reward of the good-doers.” (Qur’an, 12:91)
Yusuf (as) gave his shirt for them to take back to their father Yaqub (as). When he received it, he immediately recognised Yusuf (as)’s scent. Their family was reunited and Allah allowed the brothers to compensate for their sins.
From Yusuf (as) and Yaqub (as)’s story we can learn the lesson of patience, complete reliance upon Allah, and perseverance. The pain of being separated from your son, or from your father, of being falsely accused, experiencing the betrayal of family members and remaining firm in the belief that Allah is the Best of all Planners. Even when he was in thrown in the well, imprisoned, separated from his loved ones, accused of a crime he did not commit – in all of these situations, he called out to Allah and praised Him, and never lost hope in Him. Despite the many tests, he saw the blessings that he had ultimately gained and was grateful. He had attained his freedom, was granted authority and knowledge, and had been reunited with his loved ones. Such is the character of Yusuf (as), and thus, is an inspiration to all who are struggling to find a light at the end of the tunnel.
Prophet Yunus, Yaqub and Ayub (as) are just three great examples of Prophets who faced and inspirationally overcame their struggles, with the help of Allah. Their example reminds us that even those most beloved and noble in the sight of Allah – the Prophets themselves – were tested, so we as believers should gain insight into how they kept strong, and used their faith to remain steadfast. In such times, we should not despair, but remember it is a sign of His Love, and the relief always follows the hardship.