This week, we’re celebrating those superb, selfless souls who give up their time and efforts for HHUGS and the families we support – our volunteers.
Volunteers Week is celebrated every year between 1st and 7th June. It’s a time for us to shine a light on the heroes hidden behind the scenes, and an opportunity to thank these amazing individuals for the immense contribution they make. We simply could not do it without you!
Each time you show up to an event, fundraise hundreds of pounds online or shake that bucket at a collection, we don’t consider it to be by mere chance. No, it’s absolutely by His Design and His Perfect Planning. Whether you’re a wordsmith writing a blog, using your skills to meticulously edit a video, or serving as a trustee, you’ve been blessed by being chosen by Allah to be a part of this work and to serve those in need. Your names may not be known by the people, but we trust you are being mentioned and remembered in the Heavens for your selfless deeds.
This Volunteers’ Week, we asked six of our volunteers to share why they chose to volunteer for HHUGS.

A Badge of Honour
“Allah promises to be with those who make themselves available for others, so what about those who are at the call of some of the most oppressed, neglected and forgotten people in our societies?
“For me, it’s a badge of honour to say that I’m a volunteer for HHUGS.
“The best of people have always rushed towards the good deeds, and to be with these families is something I take very seriously. If someone said to me that I had to drop every bit of charity work I do, and I could work with one charity, I would pick HHUGS in a heartbeat.
“I wish there wasn’t a need for HHUGS, but as long as there is, I will always want my name next to it.”

Chosen to Serve
“The work of HHUGS will always get done one way or another, whether by your own contribution or somebody else’s; the blessing is in whether Allah has chosen you to serve His Ummah in this way. Over the 13 years, I have volunteered for HHUGS, I have always wished that all our roles would be redundant and these families would not be subjected to what they are, but this has never transpired; in fact, in many ways, the need has only grown.
“Volunteering with HHUGS has always been a grounding, humbling and sobering experience – it is a constant reminder of how people are tested and teaches you active gratitude.
“The Ummah needs solidarity and bravery right now, and volunteering for HHUGS is an act of compassion and duty. It has been a privilege to use the blessings of time and skills to help the families so routinely overlooked by all. Volunteering rewards you more than anybody else you benefit.”
Bringing Smiles of Joy
“I volunteer for HHUGS because of how unique their mission is. They remember those that have been forgotten by society and directly support those in our own communities. I’ve seen the smiles and joy that HHUGS’ support has brought to families and I’m so happy to help contribute towards that, even in the smallest of ways by volunteering for them at their events. It’s nice to be a part of the amazing work they do.”

Easing burdens for my friends
“I have been volunteering for HHUGS for roughly five years.
“It is the only charity in the UK that helps Muslims affected by the anti-terror laws. Many innocent people, including children and elderly suffer, they are affected emotionally and financially.
“I wanted to be part of such an amazing charity that helps ease the struggles and hardships of these families, because the Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever relieves a Muslim of a burden from the burdens of the world, Allah will relieve him of a burden from the burdens on the Day of Judgement. And whoever helps ease a difficulty in the world, Allah will grant him ease from a difficulty in the world and in the Hereafter…”
“HHUGS is close to my heart, I have seen how it has helped some of my friends.”
The little things mean the world
“It’s the smile of a young girl at an Eid party, or the hug from a sister who thanks you for your help. It’s the little things that mean the world when you’re volunteering for HHUGS. Every second, minute and hour you spend supporting the charity always feels like time well spent. I’m grateful to be able to spend my time helping such a unique cause.”
An Amanah on Our Doorstep
“We have charities supporting our brothers and sisters worldwide, but tend to forget the amanah on our doorsteps. HHUGS is the only charity literally supporting these families on our doorstep. Right here in the UK. No other charity does that! And I want to be one of those who help these oppressed families and gain the rewards that most may lose. That’s why I volunteer.”
If you’re interested in making a difference and helping the only charity of its kind, why not sign up as a volunteer?