Never Give Up Day, celebrated on the 18th of August, is all about our ability to stay strong in tough times. It’s a day to remember that setbacks are just stepping stones on the path to success.
Be it your family, finances or future – we all face challenges. Some we take in our stride and overcome, whilst others knock us down and take a little while for us to get back up. With each test you persevere and conquer, there is often a lesson to be learnt or wisdom to be shared.
In the spirit of Never Give Up Day, we’re going to share: 5 ways to keep pushing forward when facing challenges:
1. Knowing your test means you’re loved
There’s no greater feeling than love, but no love compares to Allah’s Love. A Love that is unmatched to any wordily feeling, limitless and all encompassing. To increase His Love for us is to be patient when tested, and trusting in His decree.
“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones” (Qur’an 2:155).
To love and trust in Allah’s plan when things are going well is easy. But to remain steadfast, patient and hopeful when you’re in darkness is where the greatest reward is.
“The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah loves a people, He tests them. Whoever accepts that wins His pleasure, but whoever is discontent with that earns His wrath.” (at-Tirmidhi)
As a believer, being tested is linked to purification and growth. You can be tested with hardship and struggles, or even blessings that necessitate gratitude.
We’re encouraged to seek solace and guidance from the Quran, Hadith, and from other believers. Helping those around us, and lightening a load of a believer comes with great reward.
Knowing that we’re in this world to be tested is a comforting reminder in our hardest times, which helps us remain steadfast in our belief, even in the face of adversity.
The life of the Prophet (saw) is a great example of how the most beloved creation was tested, then surely we will be too. To understand his struggle, how he navigated his hardships, treated people and kept faith is to educate ourselves on his life story, and the lessons we can learn in our own journey.

2. Cultivating resilience
The human body and mind is a miracle. Allah has created us in such a way that we’re able to bounce back, heal, forget and forgive. When you’re in the middle of a storm, you can’t see a way out. When you’re out on the other side, you can’t believe you got through it.
When bouncing back, being in a positive mindset is key, although it’s possibly the hardest thing to do when you’re struggling. If you’re unable to be positive about the situation, be positive about yourself. Don’t self-deprecate, and think the worst about yourself. Be your biggest cheerleader and know you’re enough to get through it.
Creating a plan can also be helpful to get you in a productive mode. Be realistic and set achievable goals which aren’t overwhelming. Set out a plan on how you can benefit and give you a sense of direction.

3. Keep your circle strong
Don’t be afraid to reach out. Keep a circle of friends and family who are a support network when you’re going through a tough time. They will be there to offer you perspective, comfort and reassurance.
A problem shared is a problem halved, and although women are often better at sharing then men, it’s vital regardless of your gender you can share your concerns, and thoughts in a safe space. Be it around, friends or a professional.
We’re reminded of the importance of brotherhood, and how we should feel when others around us are going through difficulty.
“The believers, in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion, are like a single body; when one part of it is in pain, the rest of the body joins it in fever and wakefulness.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
To cultivate a friendship for both this world and the next, read: Brunch buddies beyond this world

4. Find joy and practice gratitude
When things are going well, it’s easier to be grateful and look at what you’ve been blessed with. It isn’t so easy when you’re in a rough patch. But the reality is Allah in his bounty has blessed us infinitely.
“And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you give thanks (by accepting faith and worship), I will give you more (of My Blessings); but if you are thankless (i.e., disbelievers), verily My punishment is indeed severe.’” (Qur’an, 14:7)
If you look at your life through a lens of gratitude, you’re more likely to feel content and blessed even if things aren’t perfect. Practicing gratitude can shift you into a positive mindset and improve your mental health.
Continue to find joy in the little things. Be it a walk in the park, or a reading a book. Don’t let the beauty of the mundane slip you by, whilst you’re preoccupied with what’s going wrong.

Help them never give up
Whilst you strive to remain resilient and to persevere, we think of children in HHUGS families who, day after day, are forced to wake up and continue through hardship no matter how bleak it gets; some of whom have experienced the darkness of the world, at such tender ages, scarring them forever.
Although they’ve been impacted by such traumatic experiences, an education offers them a respite and a chance a new beginning. It allows them to make friends, and gain the tools for a brighter future. Their experiences at school are haunted by being the odd one out, bullied because of incorrect uniforms and inadequate stationary.
Before the September start, teach them to never give up by providing them with a school uniform and essential stationary.