Commemorate 10 Women in the Best 10 Days
With our Ramadhan Reminders being a hit, we’re back in the Best 10 Days for our Dhul Hijjah series. This time we’re focusing on the Women Commemorated in the Quran.
Join us as we go on a journey through the sacred verses of the Qur’an as they delve deep into the lives and stories of the remarkable women mentioned within it. This 10-day series, during the blessed best days of the year, will allow you to explore the sacrifices, wisdom and teachings of these women whom we can gain inspiration from.

From the courage of Asiya (as) to the chastity and steadfastness of Maryam (as), we will be able to explore their lives and draw lessons from them. We’re extremely honoured to be joined by esteemed speakers who will offer their insight and help us connect further:
- Shaykha Umm Jamaaluddin
- Shaykha Saleha Bukhari
- Shaykha Fatima Barkatulla
- Muftiya Nasima Umm Hamza
- Ustadha Marjaan Ali
- Ustadha Youssra Kandil
- Ustadha Haleh Banani
- Ustadha Umm Talha
- Ustadha Ola Shoubaki
- Aliyah Umm Raiyaan
In the best ten days, if you want to draw closer to Him, and reflect on His Word, then you won’t want to miss out on this series. Watching our bite-size videos which doesn’t take much of your time can leave you inspired and uplifted.
Follow our socials now so you don’t miss out, and join our WhatsApp and Telegram for daily updates!