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Give it up for HHUGS 2022

Could you sacrifice your guilty pleasures so that a family in need can have access to basic necessities? Sign up to the HHUGS challenge and follow the footsteps of Ibrahim by giving up something you love during the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. It could be caffeine, sugar, junk food or maybe even social media! Raise funds through sponsorship, as you tackle your nafs, and give relief to a HHUGS family this Eid ul Adha
Sacrifice what you love this Dhul Hijjah, for a great reward! Every Dhul Hijjah we commemorate the sacrifice made by the beloved of Allah, Ibrahim (as) – ready to give what he loved most for Him, the ultimate route to attain piety and His love. Knowing the importance of this concept, the Companions of the Prophet (saw) would actively look to give away that which they loved in charity.
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar used to give away sweets in charity saying, ‘I am aware of Allah’s saying; “You shall not attain piety until you spend out of that which is beloved to you” [3: 92] and Allah knows that I love sweets.’ In this spirit, in the best days of the year – days greater in virtue than the days of Ramadhan – we challenge you to sacrifice what you love and give it up for HHUGS! Whether you want to go veggie, sugar free or tech free for 10 days, you can raise just £10 a day to help hundreds of vulnerable women and children, living in our midst in the UK.
Sacrifice something you love to raise vital funds for a family in need.
During these blessed 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, HHUGS challenges you to sign up for our sponsored sacrifice.
In honour of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice, give up something you love to raise £100 for the single mothers and children we support every single day.
Give charity in the 10 days that are more blessed than the last days of Ramadhan!
“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these 10 days.” – Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (Bukhari)
The challenge is easier than it sounds.
All you have do is ask 10 friends or family members to donate £10 each. You’ll raise £100 before you know it!
“Whoever guides someone to virtue will be rewarded equivalent to him who practices that good action.” – Prophet Muhammad (SAW) (Bukhari)
If you’re ready to raise vital funds for our single mothers and children:
- Sign up
- Your fundraising page will automatically be created. Amend your text and set your target.
- Ask your loved ones to donate £10 each. (That’s the price of two Starbucks!
- Share stories and photos of your sacrifice on social media so we can cheer you on!
Are you ready to make a real difference?
If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your sacrifice, keep reading! We’ve come up with a few to help you.
What is the challenge?
What if I do not want to give anything up but just want to fundraise?
What should I give up?
If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your sacrifice, keep reading! We’ve come up with a few to help you:
- Give up junk food for HHUGS
Some studies say that the sugar in junk food is just as addictive as drugs. So if you love your sugar, don’t undermine what a challenging sacrifice this will be!
Even the Sahabah used to sacrifice sugar in worship to Allah (SWT): “Abdullah ibn ‘Umar used to give away sweets in charity saying, ‘I am aware of Allah’s saying; “You shall not attain piety until you spend out of that which is beloved to you’ [3: 92] and Allah knows that I love sweets.’”
Our youngest fundraiser, a little boy, has given up juice!
Others have sacrificed chocolate: “I’ve given up chocolate, so not all sugar, but I was given some Lindt so I’ve had to hide them from myself!” – HHUGS Fundraiser
One fundraiser offers some helpful advice: “Sugar is more addictive than cocaine so we’re going to feel the cravings. Eating natural sweet stuff like fruit or dates will help insha Allah, as will increasing your protein intake with healthy things like nuts and seeds. Zamzam will help too!” – HHUGS Fundraiser
It won’t be easy (“I watched my family eat cheesecake last night,”says another fundraiser) but it will be worth it.
So drop the biscuit and sign up now!
- Give up social media for HHUGS
Since the coming of Snaps, Instagram stories, Facebook likes and Twitter retweets, the world has become obsessed with social media.
Now is your chance to take a step back from it all and immerse yourself in the quiet of Dhul Hijjah.
One of our younger fundraisers has given up Snapchat and selfies; a worthy challenge for the teenagers of today!
If he can do it, so can you! For these last few days, cut your connection with “friends” and “followers” in order to strengthen your connection with Allah (SWT).
Buy yourself a book of dua and replace the endless scrolling with reading. By the end of the 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, you’ll feel like your soul has been revived.
- Give up your mobile for HHUGS
Who isn’t guilty of being a phone addict? In fact, the average Brit is thought to check their phone 28 times a day.
But what if you were to switch off your mobile for a few days?
You could focus on your ibadah and start engaging with the people around you again.
You could pick up a book, listen to some lectures, and learn something new instead of wasting time on your device.
Some of our fundraisers have opted for this sacrifice, with others giving up Netflix, TV or PlayStations.
Whatever you choose to give up, make sure it means something to you. That way, you’ll get the faintest idea of what it was like for Ibrahim (AS) to have to sacrifice his beloved son.
- Give up meat for HHUGS
In the time of the Prophet (SAW), meat was a luxury. It wasn’t part of every meal like it is for us today. In fact, the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabah (RA) used to go long periods without it, as only the rich could afford to eat it regularly.
If you’re a meat lover, give up meat during these 10 days of Dhul Hijjah. Find your inner vegetarian and get a taste for what life is like when you can’t afford meat.
When you give your Qurbani, it’ll mean more, knowing that your sacrifice is being given to families who limit their own meat intake due to poverty.
And if that sounds too hard, one of our top fundraisers has a tip for you: “Think of all that food you’re going to indulge in on Eid. Me and my friend have already got it planned!”
What's in it for me?
On every day, charity is due on each of our joints. That’s an even greater priority for us in Dhul Hijjah, where righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah.
You may not have huge sums of money to give, but this challenge provides a golden opportunity for any individual to make a difference – whether you’re blessed with disposable income or otherwise.
What’s more, you’ll be rewarded for whatever your friends donate, without decreasing in their reward in the least.
“Whoever guides someone to virtue will be rewarded equivalent to him who practices that good action.” [Bukhari].
Your small but persistent efforts will not only be counted as good deeds,, but it will also help us to restore hope and dignity to over 225 households impacted by the detention of a loved one – and all in the best ten days of the year!
How can I raise the money?
£100 may seem daunting at first, but it’s really as simple as getting 10 friends donating £10, or 20 friends to give £5. If that seems a piece of cake, you can set your heights on £1000 – that’s 20 friends donating £50. Many fundraisers in the past doubted they could raise £300 or £500 but with sincere intentions, du’a and the help of Allah they went to raise £1000 in the space of a few days.
The simplest method is to sign up and your fundraising page will be automatically created for you. We‘ll even create a text giving code so that your friends and family can donate effortlessly via SMS.
Doing a sponsored challenge might seem daunting, but HHUGS will be with you every step of the way.
We’re on hand to support and encourage you at every stage, and if you’re not a confident wordsmith, we can provide template messages for you to share if you’re short of ideas. Remember to use all means at your disposal to share your page – WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and SMS. Some even made videos to encourage people, and got their parents and children to compete with them in the process! Whether you’re a novice or an experienced fundraiser, this method is tried and tested. So, this challenge is going to be easy.
A member of the Salaam Seven: a group of teenage boys from South London who have pledged to raise £10,000 through their sponsored sacrifice, advises that you sign up with friends: “As someone who has been fundraising for HHUGS for almost five years now, I’ve seen that working in a team to reach your goals is much more productive. For that reason, I decided to create a small group of friends, known as the Salaam Seven – who would fundraise for the sake of Allah (SWT).”
He adds: “When it comes to charities, HHUGS is the closest to our hearts. We know people who have been supported by HHUGS in their darkest times, when even their own family members couldn’t support them. We’ve participated individually in hikes, treks, runs and many more challenges to continue HHUGS’ unique work in supporting forgotten families. There’s no other charity like HHUGS – so if they vanish, those families will be truly forgotten.” – 16-Year-Old Fundraiser
Check out our Fundraising Toolkit for a complete A-Z of unique fundraising ideas, simple steps to fundraising success, how to stay safe and more! You can also simply request a penny box by calling 0207 733 2104 or emailing [email protected]
What if I don't reach my target?
We’re confident with a bit of effort and with the help of Allah, you’ll easily raise whatever amount you set yourself. We know from past experience, despite their initial self-doubt, our supporters have achieved great feats and surpassed their expectations.
When you purify your intention, tie your camel by making the effort, say Bismillah and make du’a that Allah blesses your efforts – have hope and trust in Him and you’ll surpass your target in no time.
“Whoever intends to perform a good deed but does not do it, Allah will record it as a complete good deed.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
If you’ve tried your best and ultimately don’t reach your target, then all is far from lost – you’ll be rewarded for whatever you do manage to raise and more than that, rewarded for your intentions in the best time of the year to give charity! So aim high, you won’t be disappointed! You’ve got nothing to lose!