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120 Challenge

Take on the 120 Challenge for HHUGS. Raise £120 for families without fathers.
120 miles is the average distance that stands between a child and his father when he is imprisoned.
All you need to do is dream up an activity based around the number 120 that matches your interests or suits your skills and fundraise £120 for families without fathers at home.
You might have struggled with the lockdown this year but it’s easy to forget that many families in our midst live like this all year round. You can be a HHUGS Hero from Home and make a difference to families for whom social distancing and isolation is a norm.
Every stroke you make, every step you take and every cake you bake, will enable us to be here for families without fathers when they need us most.
Your Challenge, Your Way, Your Day.
Though we may be apart, we can relieve families together!
Sign up now: HHUGS.org.uk/120
0207 733 2104
Date: Any time of your choosing
What: Any activity of your choosing – linked to the number 120
Where: Any place of your choosing – your home, balcony, garden, park, online!
Registration Fee: Free
Minimum Target: £120
Why the 120 Challenge?
120 miles is the average distance that stands between a child and his father when he is imprisoned.
Yunus hasn’t seen his father since the morning he was dragged away in handcuffs – the morning that changed his family’s life forever. By day, his sadness spills onto the pictures he draws of his father. By night, he fights sleep, crying out, “Where is Baba?” Some nights, tears soak his pillow; on others, he wets the bed, hearing the police sirens go by, terrified the mother he clings to will be taken from him too.
Umm Yunus will need to travel 120 miles for her son to see his father again. She wants to ease his pain, but she does not drive. With her failing health, her anxiety rockets at the mere prospect of the journey on public transport, with four children in tow.
Shunned by friends and family, Umm Yunus has no one to turn to for help. If she had, she would tell them her children are always hungry because she has to cut back on food to pay the gas bill. If she doesn’t, Yunus’ asthma will start playing up again. He’s outgrown his coat, but she can’t afford to buy him a new one.
HHUGS needs your help to protect single mothers, children growing up without fathers, and elderly parents isolated from their communities.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic effect on charities, with the cancellation of events and the loss of thousands of pounds in income through fundraising events.
At a time when our families need us most, we need to ensure that we will still be here to provide the services they urgently need.
Whether you climb the stairs 120 times in the comfort of your own home, or walk 120km with friends in your local park, your efforts will allow us to continue to be here for children like Yunus when they need us most; for children growing up without their fathers who feel lonely, isolated and scared in this pandemic more than ever before.
Be a HHUGS Hero From Home: Join #Team120
None of us have escaped the effects of COVID-19. You might have struggled with the lockdown this year but it’s easy to forget that many families in our midst live like this all year round. You can be a HHUGS Hero from Home and make a difference to families for whom social distancing and isolation is a norm.
Whether you want to cycle 120km, hop 120 times, give up sugar for 120 hours, or bake 120 cakes, how you choose to fulfil the challenge and by when is entirely up to you. You may decide to do it for 120 minutes, 120 hours or 120 days – or with no time restriction whatsoever. Complete the challenge from your living room, balcony, garden or local park – from literally any corner of the globe! Whether you walk it or run it, complete it around your garden or on the streets, do it all in one go or a mile a day, all that matters is that you reach the (virtual) finish line. There are no rules – you can take part however works best for you, whilst staying safe and adhering to government guidelines.
Ways to Fulfil Your 120 Challenge
- Walk, run or cycle 120 miles or 120km – over 120 days
- Swim 120 lengths
- Hop or skip 120 times… 120 hours (5 days) or 120 days
- Do 120 laps of your garden… on foot, scooter or roller skate!
- Climb 1.2km on your stairs – higher than Snowdon and almost as high as Ben Nevis!
- Skate for 120 minutes
- Do 120 sit ups, burpees, press ups or star jumps… for 120 hours (5 days) or 120 days
- Work out for 120 minutes… for 120 hours (5 days) or 120 days
- Do a sponsored silence 120 hours (5 days)
- Fast from social media 120 hours (5 days)
- Do a 12.0 or 120 hour gaming marathon!
- Play 12.0 rounds of a board game
- Hold the plank for 120 seconds
- Hula hoop 120 times
- Do 120 cartwheels
- Jump 120 times on a trampoline
- Catch a ball 120 times
- Give up sugar 120 hours (5 days)
- Give up caffeine 120 hours (5 days)
- Read 120 books in 120 days
- Bake 120 cakes or cupcakes and sell them for charity
- Host a virtual coffee morning for 120 people on Google Hangout
Simply sign up, choose your challenge, set your target and spread the word far and wide!
How can I take part?
Simply sign up, create your ready-made page on our leaderboard, set your target and spread the word far and wide! How and when you do it, is entirely up to you! The only essential is to let everyone know you’re taking on this challenge for a great cause, so they can donate and support you like the HHUGS Hero you are!
What can I do?
Whether you want to cycle 120km, hop 120 times, give up sugar for 120 hours, or bake 120 cakes, how you choose to fulfil the challenge and by when is entirely up to you. You may decide to do it for 120 minutes, 120 hours or 120 days – or with no time restriction whatsoever. Complete the challenge from your living room, balcony, garden or local park – from any corner of the globe! Whether you walk it or run it, complete it around your garden or on the streets, do it all in one go or a mile a day, all that matters is that you reach the (virtual) finish line. There are no rules – you can take part however works best for you, whilst staying safe and adhering to government guidelines.
Some ways you can fulfil your 120 challenge
• Walk, run or cycle 120 miles or 120km – over 120 days
• Swim 120 lengths
• Hop or skip 120 times… 120 hours (5 days) or 120 days
• Do 120 laps of your garden… on foot, scooter or roller skate!
• Climb 1.2km on your stairs – higher than Snowdon and almost as high as Ben Nevis!
• Skate for 120 minutes
• Do 120 sit ups, burpees, press ups or star jumps… for 120 hours (5 days) or 120 days
• Work out for 120 minutes… for 120 hours (5 days) or 120 days
• Do a sponsored silence 120 hours (5 days)
• Fast from social media 120 hours (5 days)
• Do a 12.0 or 120 hour gaming marathon!
• Play 12.0 rounds of a board game
• Hold the plank for 120 seconds
• Hula hoop 120 times
• Do 120 cartwheels
• Jump 120 times on a trampoline
• Catch a ball 120 times
• Give up sugar 120 hours (5 days)
• Give up caffeine 120 hours (5 days)
• Read 120 books in 120 days
• Bake 120 cakes or cupcakes and sell them for charity
• Host a virtual coffee morning for 120 people on Google Hangout
If I choose to walk, cycle or run 120 miles/km, do I have to do it all in one go?
Where Is It Taking Place?
What if I don’t know what to do?
How old do I have to be to participate?
Is there a registration fee?
How much sponsorship do I have to raise?
How fit do I need to be to participate?
That really depends on the nature of the challenge that you choose. People of all fitness levels are welcome to participate. In fact, you may decide not to do a physical challenge at all.
If you do want to do a physical challenge, we want you all to enjoy taking part in a safe way without overdoing it. The distance, activity, difficulty and terrain is entirely up to you. There’s no pace you have to follow, no set distance you have to achieve and not specific time. You do as much or as little as you want to, and we’ll be here to encourage you along the way. We want you to challenge yourselves but please, take care and don’t overstretch yourselves. If you have any existing medical conditions or any concerns, please consult your doctor before you register or undertake any extensive activity.
What if I feel unwell on the day of my challenge?
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (a fever, continuous cough or loss of taste/sense of smell) then please follow the NHS guidance on self-isolating. If you are well enough you can undertake your challenge at home or in your garden. If you were intending to do an activity outdoors, resume your challenge when it is safe to do so outside your home.
How can I stay safe during my challenge?
This will depend on the nature of your challenge. If you are doing an outdoor challenge, please only participate in the challenge with members of your own household, or in a group of 6 in you are in the UK, whilst maintaining a distance of 2m from anyone you do not live with. Practice regular handwashing or use hand sanitisers where appropriate. Try to avoid using public transport at peak times if possible and avoid sharing a vehicle with people you do not live with. If you have to travel on public transport, ensure you wear your face mask. Bring a bottle of water with you to ensure you are well hydrated when undertaking any physical activity and wear comfortable clothing. Please follow the Government’s guidance on COVID-19 at all times during your challenge. If you are baking, you will want to factor in health and safety and good hygiene in the kitchen.
For physical challenges, how do I track my miles?
There are lots of ways to do this. Choose which one works for you. You could follow a designated route. There are lots of maps for routes for walks, runs and cycles for parks and popular routes that you can search for online. Maybe you’ve already got a pedometer or an app on your phone? You may prefer to use a Fitbit, Strava or MapMyFitness.
Can I change my challenge?
Of course you can. Just email us on [email protected] with your updated date.
I’ve never fundraised before. How do I get started?
Easy. Your fundraising page will be set up automatically when you register and will be added to our very own leaderboard system, the first gaming leaderboard to be created by any charity! To make it that much easier, we can even do that for you!
Once you’ve set your target, share the page with your friends, family and colleagues. It’ll have all the details of the challenge you’re taking on – and allows people to sponsor you and donate straight to HHUGS, quickly and easily online.
£120 may seem daunting at first, but it’s really as simple as getting 12 friends to donate £10.
If that’s a breeze, you can set your heights on a higher target like £500, or £1000 – easily achieved with just 20 friends donating £50.
Many novice fundraisers have doubted they could raise £120 but with sincere intentions, du’a and the help of Allah they went to raise £1000 in the space of a few days. Some went on to smash the target by raising £5000 or £10000! So never underestimate what you can achieve!
We’re on hand to support and encourage you at every stage, and if you’re not a confident wordsmith, we can even provide template messages for you to share if you’re short of ideas. Remember to use all means at your disposal to share your page – WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and SMS. Some even made videos to encourage people, and got their parents and children to compete with them in the process! Whether you’re a novice or an experienced fundraiser, this method is tried and tested.
Here are a few tips:
Fundraising pages are just like paper sponsorship forms, except they’re online, so you don’t have to worry about dealing with cash, cheques and chasing sponsors after the event is finished. You could even create your own fundraising team to help you spread the word!
Level up your profile – Add an image, complete your story and set your event date.
Kick-start your fundraising by donating to yourself. It’s a great way to begin your fundraising!
Set a target: Aim high and keep your friends and family updated on how close you are to reach your goal!
Spread the word. Once your page has been created you can share it with your contacts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. You can also share it via a SMS message, e-mailing your contacts, or sending a WhatsApp and Telegram broadcast to your friends and family. Don’t forget to share it on any groups that you’re on.
You can also share it on your story on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.
Change your profile picture on all your social media platforms to our very own fundraiser avatar. You can even add it to your email signature! And of course don’t forget the old fashioned way of speaking to friends and family on the phone too!
Let everyone know when the countdown to your challenge has begun by using our social media badges and sharing your page on your social media channels.
Use social media to promote your walk through status updates, posting photos as your train, or undertake your walk, making videos, sending messages. Encourage others to join you if it’s safe to do so and you’re in a group of six!
Think of fun ways to help donations roll in and the hours will fly by.
Ask for help! Don’t be afraid to ask for tips from other fundraisers on our WhatsApp groups or asking staff for ways to energise donors if you find you’re getting stuck.
Here are some other ways to help:
Get your fundraising matched by a colleague, workplace or friend·
Contact your local press and radio stations with your fundraising·
Contact local businesses for their support by asking them to sponsor you·
We can send you a Charity Collection Penny Box which you can place at home or work if you’re back in the office, and even at the till of your local take away (with permission!). Order yours now at hhugs.org.uk/pennybox.
Even if a lot of events have ceased, you can still contact your ISOC, School, Scouts groups and others to get involved to support your fundraising.
Remember, HHUGS are here to help so you can kick start your fundraising!
How do I send you the money from my fundraising page?
Can I fundraise offline?
Of course you can. If people have given you your sponsor money in cash, or made a bank transfer to you, and you want us to add this to your page, simply pay it in yourself. Alternatively, you can simply click “Add cash donation” and we’ll be in touch to verify your offline donation before it is added to your page. You can send a cheque (with the reference 120 Challenge + Your name) with your completed sponsorship form to:
4th floor
43 Berkeley Square,
What if I don’t reach my target?
Can I set up a team page?
What is Gift Aid and does it really matter?
Make every £1 worth 25p more at no extra cost to you. It’s just a little box to tick but Gift Aid makes a huge difference when it comes to how much money we can raise to support families in the need right here in the UK.
To be eligible to add Gift Aid to your donation, you must be a UK taxpayer and understand that if you pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax then the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations made in that tax year it’s your responsibility to pay any difference. The government will give a further 25% of your donation to the charity, and it doesn’t cost you or your sponsors a thing.
This option will be there on your fundraising page, but if you could mention it to your sponsors, you could help raise much more money to support families torn apart by national security measures. Find out more about Gift Aid here.
What happens to the money I raise?
The money you raise will help provide pastoral, practical and financial support to families growing up without their fathers – women struggling as single mothers, children orphaned by detention and elderly parents separated by 120 miles from their sons – families whose lives have been torn apart following the trauma of a raid.
Your efforts can transform lives
At HHUGS we know raids can literally tear families apart. That’s why we’re here, helping families whose lives have been devastated by detention to find their feet amidst the chaos, at a time when the rest of the community have often abandoned them. Every penny raised by Team120 like you will allow sisters like Umm Yunus to keep a roof over her head and will mean her children don’t go hungry.
“HHUGS eases the burden of being a single mother They help me to see my husband and my child to see his father. I know that someone cares and wants to help us. . The moral support and financial support are basic necessities for a person. When you don’t have this, you collapse. You have uplifted us at our lowest point, may Allah reward you for all your support. Your service is excellent!”
You might have struggled with the lockdown this year but it’s easy to forget that many families in our midst live like this all year round. You can make a difference to families for whom social distancing and isolation is a norm.
HHUGS is the only UK registered charity currently supporting over 225 families – that’s more than 700 individuals – impacted by national security measures. Every penny raised in taking part in this challenge will allow us to support some of the most isolated families in the UK, vulnerable women, children and the elderly, who have been ostracised and stigmatised by society.
Your fundraising can transform lives
Find out what we can do with the money you raise.
£50 could unite children like Yunus with their father by facilitating a prison visit.
£100 could pay for a family’s utility bills.
£250 could provide food and basic necessities for a sister and her children for a month.
£500 could protect a family from eviction and provide them with a roof over their head, security and protection from the elements.
You will make a huge difference to the lives of people.
What are the benefits of taking part in the challenge?
Aside from changing the lives of families in need, there are many benefits to the challenge, whatever you choose to do:
Physical health – For physical challenges, as well as reducing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, regular physical activity keeps your body healthy and strong. It can help your blood pressure, help you to sleep better and keep your heart healthy. Exercise can help you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. By exercising, you will feel more energetic and awake over time.
Mental health – Physical activity as well as activities like baking, reading or gardening can reduce anxiety, improve self-esteem, reduce stress and build a greater sense of calm. Look after your mind as well as your body.
Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone – Whether you hold the plank, trek a mountain or climb Snowdon on your stairs, feel the rush and as you push yourself out of your comfort zone and feel the satisfaction of achieving your goals.
What should I do if I’ve forgotten my username and password?
Click here https://www.hhugs.org.uk/my-account/lost-password/ if you’ve forgotten your password on our sign up page. Follow the instructions on the email you receive to reset your password.
Still having trouble? Please contact us at [email protected] for help logging into your account.
I no longer want to take part?
Get in touch by emailing [email protected] or calling us on 0207 733 2104 if you can no longer take part. We regret that we will not be able to refund anyone who has already donated to support you